Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Yahoo mobile email beta? What is up with this? I cannot even access the regular yahoo mobile email anymore?

Beta will not let me send or reply to any messages. Why am I only accessing the BETA version?

The BETA version does not work well, and if you have filters set up, you cannot see these when you go to the main "mail" inbox page. I used to see ALL folders where I have my mail filtered. Now, I would have to search all of my folders for new mail.

That is, if I can even send any email to get any email.
Yahoo mobile email beta? What is up with this? I cannot even access the regular yahoo mobile email anymore?
I totally agree, Classic is a MUCH better product than Beta. I need to switch back. I used to check my work mail via POP using the "Check Other Mail" option. It USED to allow you to choose which server to check from, and would report how many new messages it downloaded. Beta now checks ALL accounts without you telling it to, and gives NO feedback as to whether it found new mail or not!

Also, the folders view with the parenthesees telling you (number of unread) messages per folder name is gone! WHAT? That is in EVERY email interface on the planet! You can still view "All Folders" with Beta, but they don't let you know if they have any new unread messages per folder.

Finally, instead of the MUCH better overview as a front page to Mail (which showed you number of unread messages in each folder), it now lists just the first five messages in your inbox...absolutely useless.

Where is the link to switch back to Yahoo Mobile Mail Classic, Yahoo?! Please! It's gone from my favorite mobile app to my worst nightmare in email functionality.

I don't normally complain, but this time, Yahoo went from THE BEST mobile email client to one of the worst email interfaces I've encountered, lacking BASIC functionality (like showing you how many unread messages you have in each mail folder)!!
Reply:Agreed. I have filters set up in my Yahoo mail so that mail is delivered to certain folders. With this beta version of Yahoo mobile mail, I now have to scroll down and open each folder in order to know if I have new mail in them. With the classic version it would show the number of new mail items beside each folder name. This SUCKS. If this is the beta version, why are we FORCED to use it?

Here is a link to write to Yahoo about this beta version of Yahoo mobile mail: http://help.yahoo.com/l/us/yahoo/mobile/...
Reply:I don't have an answer for you. But I wanted to voice how unhappy I am with it as well. I could reply, but had to scroll way down to the bottom of the page to do it. And then the person I sent it to asked "WHAT IS THAT!" So I guess it looked rather bad on their end. Finally, it uses way too much data now. I used to be able to read and reply to an email using between 6,000 and 8,000 and now its around 34,000. Not all of us have unlimited data usage. Yahoo! Give us the option of which one we want to use.
Reply:No answers here. Just adding my name to the list if unhappy emailers. Guess testing an application before deployment is a new concept for Yahoo.

For the troubleshooters, I'm getting the following error:

HTTP Error: 500

Internal Server Error
Reply:I wish I had an answer because I TOTALLY AGREE! I suggest everyone emails them or put in feedback on their help pages....I did so yesterday and if enough of us complain, they can't ignore us for long.

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