Sunday, May 23, 2010

Can I send holiday home (mobile) movies in an email?

I only have 2 email addresses, one with Yahoo the other with MSN. I have tried both to attach my movie (avi) files onto an email with no success at all. Both say they are *uploading file* but it just stays like that and the files are never uploaded, one said *uploading file* for 20 minutes, so I gave up. The holiday movies are not very long (about 5-10 minutes if that).

Please help, my friend wants a copy of them. Is there ANY way I can send the movies by email at all?

Thanks :)
Can I send holiday home (mobile) movies in an email?
The files are probably too big that's the reason why its taking so long to upload to your mail. MSN and Yahoo! takes a lot longer to upload ANY attachments as they even do a scan of the file. You'll notice that when you send a file via both web emails that the file attachment is larger than the original file. An 8MB file would suddenly max out their 10MB limit.

Try uploading it to the web and send the link to your friend instead. You can use YouTube or RapidShare to host the video file.

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